Join us - Mark, Penny, Fleur and Ellie - as we plan to take some time in the slow lane and circumnavigate Australia in our Larry the Landcruiser and Carrie the Caravan. This blog will hopefully serve as a diary of our trip as well as a means of keeping our family and friends up to date with our travels. We hope you enjoy the ride with us!

Thursday, 20 March 2014

100 Days

Thursday 20 March 2014 is the 100th day of our big lap.

Current location - Carnarvon

Some statistics so far:

     Overall distance travelled - 10,835 km (6,732 miles)

     Route distance travelled (big lap) - 8,851 km (5,500 miles)

     Total fuel used - 2300 L (506 gallons)

     Average fuel Price - $1.66 L (90p)

     Number of different places stayed overnight - 36

     State/Territory boarders crossed - 5

     Amount of rain on lap - 0mm

     Hottest day - 46 degrees South Australia

     Mountains climbed - 4

     Hats lost - 3 (Fleur 2, Mark 1)

     Thongs (flip flops) lost - 3 (2 to wind, 1 to dingo)

     Number of days since paid employment - 105 (Mark) 6 years (Penny)


  1. Can't believe it's been 100 days already! You've travelled the same distance we did from Qatar to Scotland a few years ago. Good luck for the next 100 days and try to be more careful with those thongs.

  2. Fuel price very good . We just filled up with diesel today £1.32 here oz will be doing good trade in hats

  3. I make that 13.3 mpg, 2,244 mph and 2,244 mpt.
    Hope the weather cools down a bit for you.
