Thursday 20 March 2014 is the 100th day of our big lap.
Current location - Carnarvon
Some statistics so far:
Overall distance travelled - 10,835 km (6,732 miles)
Route distance travelled (big lap) - 8,851 km (5,500 miles)
Total fuel used - 2300 L (506 gallons)
Average fuel Price - $1.66 L (90p)
Number of different places stayed overnight - 36
State/Territory boarders crossed - 5
Amount of rain on lap - 0mm
Hottest day - 46 degrees South Australia
Mountains climbed - 4
Hats lost - 3 (Fleur 2, Mark 1)
Thongs (flip flops) lost - 3 (2 to wind, 1 to dingo)
Number of days since paid employment - 105 (Mark) 6 years (Penny)
Can't believe it's been 100 days already! You've travelled the same distance we did from Qatar to Scotland a few years ago. Good luck for the next 100 days and try to be more careful with those thongs.
ReplyDeleteFuel price very good . We just filled up with diesel today £1.32 here oz will be doing good trade in hats
ReplyDeleteI make that 13.3 mpg, 2,244 mph and 2,244 mpt.
ReplyDeleteHope the weather cools down a bit for you.