Join us - Mark, Penny, Fleur and Ellie - as we plan to take some time in the slow lane and circumnavigate Australia in our Larry the Landcruiser and Carrie the Caravan. This blog will hopefully serve as a diary of our trip as well as a means of keeping our family and friends up to date with our travels. We hope you enjoy the ride with us!

Friday, 4 July 2014

200 Days

Saturday 28 June 2014 was the 200th day of our big lap.

Location - Noosa, Queensland

Some statistics so far:

     Overall distance travelled - 23,388 km (14,538 miles)

     Route distance travelled (big lap) - 18,644 km (11,584 miles)

     Total fuel used - 4849 L (1,066 gallons)

     Average fuel Price - $1.70 L (93p/L)

     Number of different places stayed overnight - 75

     State/Territory boarders crossed - 7 (only one more to go)

     Amount of rain on lap - far too much since hitting the east coast

     Hottest day - 46 degrees South Australia

     Coldest night - 4 degrees Queensland

     Number of caravan wheels lost - 1 (somewhere between Rockhampton and Gladstone at speed).


  1. Wow ,what a journey ! Make sure the other three wheels are done up tight.
    Enjoy the Gold Coast. I bet the girls are looking forward to the theme parks.
    Mum & Dad

  2. Great stats. Can anyone spot the link to Hastings in the amount of fuel used so far?

  3. What a lovely photograph of you all I will add it to my photo album on my I pad to show my family and friends.

  4. Yes Matthew 1066 the battle of hastings

  5. Glad you're getting a bit of sunshine. Tighten up those caravan wheel nuts! Love, Hxxx
