Join us - Mark, Penny, Fleur and Ellie - as we plan to take some time in the slow lane and circumnavigate Australia in our Larry the Landcruiser and Carrie the Caravan. This blog will hopefully serve as a diary of our trip as well as a means of keeping our family and friends up to date with our travels. We hope you enjoy the ride with us!

Tuesday 10 December 2013

Pre Trip - Last Night

Night before the big off. Both Fleur and Ellie finished at school today, not much school work but lots of presents and a party each. Last night for Fleur at ballet on Monday where she received her trophy for the concert and Ellie finished at tap today and received her trophy. House cleared and van and car packed, sort of, just got a few loose ends to complete tomorrow morning. Looks like we shall be carting enough stuff round Australia to keep a family of 10 happy. Just had an evening meal out with good friends from Warners Bay to say good bye. Hope to leave early in the morning and heading to Gundagai for first stop.


  1. Congratulations to Fleur & Ellie.
    I'm sure they will remember the words of 'The Road to Gundagai ' so you won't be needing the CD player for this leg.
    Love and Best Wishes to you all, Keep posting.

  2. Well Done Fleur & Ellie, looking forward to seeing your photos.
    How far is it to Gundagai and will you be there in time for tea ?

  3. Hope you all get a good night's sleep. Never heard if Gundagi, although Google suggests it's the subject of an Australian folk song. Who knew? Good luck!

  4. All the best and drive safely. Will wait for your first instalment of life on the open road - as it were. Love xxx
