Join us - Mark, Penny, Fleur and Ellie - as we plan to take some time in the slow lane and circumnavigate Australia in our Larry the Landcruiser and Carrie the Caravan. This blog will hopefully serve as a diary of our trip as well as a means of keeping our family and friends up to date with our travels. We hope you enjoy the ride with us!

Friday 17 January 2014

Nelson, South Australian Boarder, Kingston SE, Pinks Beach, Wellington

Nelson - Last town in Victoria when heading west. Located on the mouth of the Glenelg River. Gorge walking through the Lower Glenelg National Park. Fleur and Ellie almost run into a wallaby as they cycled round our campsite!
Crossing the boarder from Victoria into South Australia. No fruit or vegetables allowed across the border and a half hour time change!
Kinston SE - The next "Big Thing" following on from the sheep, Larry the Giant Lobster. Lovey little town on the Limestone Coast, with the occasional whiff of sulphur.

Pinks Beach - a couple of km's south of Kingston SE, so called we believe due to the water and sand appearing pink at sunset. Beautiful location, free camping for 3 nights right on the beach with only a few locals around. Only down side the absolutely stupid heat, over 40 degrees along with no air conditioning when free camping, and the killer mozzies, but as the saying goes "you can't have it all"

Wellington - Crossing the Murry River, Australia's longest river at 2700km long and the worlds 3rd longest navigable river, on a pulley
drawn ferry.


  1. Lovely sunset photo. Keep the wheels rolling and have a 50-lashes on the 18th! Love, Hxx

  2. Lovely pictures.
    Hope the weather cools down for you.
    Happy Birthday Mark
    From Mum & Dad.

  3. Good Luck in your bike races tomorrow Fleur & Ellie
