Join us - Mark, Penny, Fleur and Ellie - as we plan to take some time in the slow lane and circumnavigate Australia in our Larry the Landcruiser and Carrie the Caravan. This blog will hopefully serve as a diary of our trip as well as a means of keeping our family and friends up to date with our travels. We hope you enjoy the ride with us!

Thursday 13 February 2014

The Nullarbor

The crossing of the Nullarbor Plain on the Eyre Highway from Ceduna to Norseman - a total of 1,197km's. The weather was kind and the wind behind us for most of the way so we crossed in two and half days and free camped for two nights along the way.

A typical road sign along the way. Amazingly though, we didn't see any camels, kangaroos or wombats. We did see several emus and a few birds of prey eating the road kill. Apparently there are some 200,000 wild camels wandering around but none near the road.

The view from the car not much to see after the first 200km as the trees ran out hence the name Nullarbor (derived from the Latin for no tress). It was however surprisingly green with a never ending sea of shrubby blue brush.
 Head of Bight - whale watching platforms over looking the Great Australian Bight Marine Park the world's second largest Marine Park after the Great Barrier Reef. We were at the wrong time of year to see the whales. It was rather windy, but the southern ocean was a glorious turquoise colour.
Bordertown - One of the few road houses along the way each with a single golf hole which combined make the longest golf course in the world - The Nullarbor Links. The one at Bordertown is a 160m long par 3 called Border Kangaroo hence the large kangaroo.
Most of our traffic partners were of the road train variety and the odd camper van. Everyone gives the out back wave - a single finger raised from the steering wheel to acknowledge you as you pass so all friendly.
South Australia - Western Australia Border - a full time border where we had to sit and eat all our fruit and vegetables and were subject to a full search of Larry and Carrie, even under the bed, to ensure we didn't smuggle any tomatoes over the border.
Eucla - Just after the border the old telegraph station gradually being engulfed by the sand dunes. In its heyday the busiest telegraph station outside of the capital cities due to its location relaying messages across Australia.
90 Mile Straight - the sign says it all. We passed around ten other vehicles whilst traversing this section of road and one of those was a cyclist.
Norseman - end of the road with some tin camels in the middle of the roundabout, looked like a bit of a sad place with not much here other than a few people sitting in the road, still miles from anywhere. You can turn north for Kalgoorlie or south for Esperance, we choose to turn south and head for the coast.


  1. Phew... glad you made it across the Nullarbor - I was a bit worried about that stretch! The golf course sounds great. Have you checked out the Tea & Sugar Train on Youtube? Now the Nullarbor has been done, sure to be plain sailing from now on! Enjoy the ride. Love Hxx

  2. Congratulations to you all on the crossing. I followed the road on Google Earth and was wondering where you would make your overnight stops. No camp sites or towns. Hope it was not too hot.
    Love Mum & Dad.

  3. Perhaps all the camels, kangaroos and wombats have been arrested for jaywalking. Those wombats must be enormous ! they look about 3 times as big as a camel .
    Love Mum & Dad xxx

  4. Brian wants to know who was named the toowoomba ghost a poser for you

    1. Eric Harris was the Toowoomba Ghost. He was an Australian who played rugby for Leeds from 1930- 1939.
      He scored 36 tries in 17 consecutive matches- a record which stands to this day !

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Replies
    1. no fast cars and no sign of mad max, perhaps they were all stuck behind us

  7. Hope all going well. Happy birthday, Penny. Love Helen xx
